Monday, May 8, 2017

The Sky is NOT the Limit

A couple of weeks ago, my class had the opportunity to experience a spinal cord injury story firsthand. Fletcher Cleaves, a young african american male,  gave us a glimpse into his life and what it is like living with a spinal cord injury. Needless to say, his feelings toward his injury aren't what I expected. Even through all his trials and tribulations he seemed to keep the most uplifted spirit he possibly could. Not only would he joke about things to his doctors / therapists / friends and family during the healing process, he cracked a joke every other sentence during his lecture. The biggest take home message I got from him (besides saying no to texting and driving) was him quoting "if the sky is the limit, then why are there footprints on the moon". He was basically saying that the sky is NOT the limit, we have so much potential and there are further things than the sky that we could reach for. His story and his prospective on his injury was honestly so inspirational. He, along with thousands of others who do not believe in giving up, are the reasons I want to be an OT. He has not, and does not ever let his injury define him. He has reached way past the sky and found a way to live normally and happily, and I hope his occupational therapist had something to do with that.

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