Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Book of Questions - A Catalyst for Interaction

The article I chose to read was titled Socialization Groups: Using The Book of Questions as a Catalyst for Interaction. What about this article that caught my eye was the fact that they were using a book solely of questions as a means of an assessment. As an OT student, when I think of assessments, I automatically think of the standard one's used across the board. This gave me an insight on how we, as OT's, can turn nothing into a valuable something, such as this book. 

The Book of Questions, in an assessment means, is basically a self-report questionnaire and interview between oneself and other group members. This "interview" allows the therapist to collect a dynamic assessment of that individual. The book also works as a social activity, in which the clients get to simulate verbal interaction between others. This allows the therapist to get a view of that client's ability to socially and interpersonally interact. Many other valuable information can be collected from this "assessment" such as: the ability to imagine, their use of concrete and abstract thinking, their line of defense and coping mechanisms. From a group facilitation standpoint, this assessment has high levels of effectiveness at the Montefiore Medical Center. After only 8 months of switching to this inception of the group, it has been identified as the most successful group in the occupational therapy program at this specific inpatient facility. 

I wish I had found and read this article before administering my individual group facilitation because it might have changed my mind on what topic I would facilitate over. I just loved how much insight this simple activity gave the therapist. Whether it be revealing a client's personal experience, to hypothetical reasoning, to personality characteristics, or to their interpersonal view of themselves, it gave the therapist a well rounded assessment and evaluation of those specific clients. I think the best part about it though was the want and access to this book after client's have been discharged. The book's purpose wasn't just meant for mental health patients, but for anyone seeking an opportunity to become socially interactive. It has the power to build old relationships and develop new ones sampling by purchasing the book and starting a conversation with someone by asking the questions written right in front of you. 

As a student, I would have loved to see this book in action. It seems to be a great investment and I think future students would benefit from it during the Groups course. 


Wade, J.C. (June 1992). Socialization groups: Using the book of questions as a catalyst for interaction. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 46(6), 541-545. doi:10.5014/ajot.46.6.541

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